

Muiden, a charming little city!

Muiden received city rights in 1122 by Emperor Henry V.
But Muiden nowadays isn’t  a city, but a cute little town. The center of Muiden is very charming with its old houses, the Herengracht with the ‘ bear’, and the mouth of the river Vecht which runs through Muiden, with marinas and many boats. The central focal point , especially in summer, are the Great Sea Locks in Muiden. When the weather is sunny and warm , the terraces around the locks are always full. Not only because it is nice to sit on the terrace , but mainly because the spectacle of boats mooring in the lock is always fun to watch.
sluis muiden


Muiden is packed with tourists  in the period April to October. With boat people who visit the village.  And families with children who visit the Muiderslot (Amsterdam Castle). Entire groups, families and associations who get on board of the ferry to Pampus. And last but not least, the thousands of passengers who sail wiht the clippers and tjalks of the charterfleet of Muiden.


Did you know that the sailing charterfleet in Holland originated in Muiden? Here the first tjalken and clippers sailed with guests on the Marker and IJsselmeer, mainly to finance the maintenance of the ships and to save them from demolition. The skippers still wore clogs and peasant blouses and first visited the local pub Ome Ko before they went on the water to hoist the sails . Well times have changed, but fortunately in this case.

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